3 Simple Tips for Increasing the Value of Your Home

There are several simple tips to increase the value of your home. You can add an addition or a room, paint your house, or remodel it. Here are a few of them:

Adding on to your home

Some improvements, such as an addition or a pool, will not add value to your property, but others will. These additions will improve your living space and will create interest for buyers online. In addition to boosting the value of your home, aesthetic additions will also give you special pleasure as you enjoy your property. Here are some tips to improve the value of your home through additions:

Adding rooms

One of the most common ways to increase the value of your home is to add another room. While an extra room may add a few square feet, it will not increase your lot size. A larger outdoor space might be more valuable to a buyer than an additional bedroom. Moreover, the location of your home can also affect the rate of appreciation. High-end neighborhoods tend to command a higher price tag. Thus, it may be better to add fewer rooms than a larger one.


Adding an appealing exterior to your home will increase its value by 2% to 5%. It is not just the appearance of your home that will make a statement. The exterior of your home will also give the impression of pride in ownership. Passersby will be able to tell how well maintained your property is based on how it looks from the outside. It is a good idea to paint your front door black or white, for example, to make your home stand out in the neighborhood.


A newly renovated bathroom can greatly increase the value of your home. The addition of sleek surfaces will make cleaning easier. In addition, realtors estimate that you can recover as much as 57% of your renovation costs when selling your home. Remodeling a half-bath can also add significant value to your home. And by adding a shower in the half bath, you can easily increase the value of your living room. The National Association of Home Builders and Remodeling Industry offer resources to help you determine if a new shower or bathtub would add value to your home.

Adding a bathroom

Adding a bathroom to your home can be an excellent decision, not only for comfort but for the financial value as well. Before tackling this project, it is important to do some planning. While the final cost of adding a bathroom can vary widely, it is likely to increase your home’s value. To maximize its value, consider several factors, including location and size. A bathroom can bring you a profit of 50% or more.


Landscape design is a powerful aspect of home value. A beautiful garden can add between 5 to 10 percent to your home’s value. You can increase its curb appeal by investing in outdoor upgrades and trimming overgrown plants. The more attractive your landscape is, the more likely a buyer will be to be interested in your home. In addition, landscaping should complement the style of your home. If you have odd landscaping, it can actually decrease its value.

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