7 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

There are many things you can do to make your home more appealing to buyers. You can fix small issues before listing, depersonalize your home, and take professional photos. However, if you don’t follow these tips, you may find yourself getting into the trap of overpricing your home. In this article, you’ll learn how to avoid these common mistakes when selling your home. You should also make sure that you price your home right – a price that’s not too high but not too low.

Fixing minor issues

There are a few things you can do to avoid making a last-minute fix on minor issues before you sell your home. First, make sure the home is in tip-top shape. A home buyer expects windows and doors to operate smoothly and that carpets and walk surfaces are in good shape. If a minor issue is found, you can always ask the seller to fix it after the sale is complete. Don’t go overboard, but it’s worth doing.


Overpricing your home can cause backfire by turning buyers off, leaving your listing with a lackluster showing history and no offers. It can even cause buyers to assume that your property is flawed or not worth the money. No matter what the current real estate market conditions are, overpricing will harm your chances of selling. Learn why overpricing your home is a bad idea and how to properly price your property to sell for top dollar.

Letting your emotions get in the way

As the seller of a home, it’s normal to be emotionally attached to it. However, allowing your emotions to interfere with the sale process can be detrimental to your success. As an expert real estate agent, I’ve helped hundreds of sellers avoid making these common mistakes. Here are some helpful tips to help you overcome emotional barriers to selling your home. Keeping emotions out of the way is essential for a successful sale.

Using poor-quality photos

Using poor-quality photos when selling your house can turn off potential buyers. Despite the fact that the majority of buyers begin their home search online, the first impression that they have of a property is its listing photos. If they are not appealing to them, they may quickly move on to another property. Research has shown that homes with excellent listing photos typically sell for more than comparable homes. Hence, it is vital to take proper care when selecting listing photos.

Leaving items behind

Before you begin packing, take a look at your home. Is anything attached to the walls? If so, consider leaving it behind. The same goes for fireplaces, bathroom mirrors, and wall-to-wall carpeting. You should also leave things like light fixtures and remote controls. Make sure to label these items with their corresponding items, such as smoke detectors or security systems. Finally, consider leaving items outside the house, such as unused furniture.

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